- Renovation of a commercial space to comply with NYC Department of Building Codes
- ILCS is in its second year of operation
- There are 150 students currently enrolled at ILCS in the 9th and 10th grades
- There are 2 faculty members for every 22 students who provide instruction and academic support staff for our youngsters
- Each classroom will has a 1:25 teacher to student ration
- Our instructional day begins at 7:30 AM and ends at 4:30 PM
- We provided a total of 250 days of instruction as compared to 180 days of instruction in NYC public schools
- In our first year we had a 97% attendance rate
Although there is not a New York State requirement for our ninth (9) grade students to take the Regents:
- Sixty-six percent (66%) of our students were accelerated in Science and passed the Biology/Living Environment Regents
- Sixty-two percent (62%) of our students were accelerated in Algebra and passed the Math A/Algebra Regents
- Eighty-one percent (81%) of our first cohorts (tenth graders) have passed the Biology/Living Environment Regents
- Seventy percent (70%) of our first cohorts (tenth graders) have passed the Math A/Algebra Regents
- 20% of our students are participating in a college bound prep program