School culture are norms developed over time based on shared attitudes, values, beliefs, expectations, relationships, and traditions of a...
July 3, 2020 International Leadership Charter High School has been selected for the 2020 Best of The Bronx Award in the Secondary Schools...
April 27, 2020 - US NEWS & World Report: Best High Schools Recognizes The International Leadership Charter High School as a recipient of the...
May 15, 2019 International Leadership Charter High School Receives the 2019 Best of The Bronx Award Program Honors the Achievement.
March 6, 2018 Dr. Elaine Ruiz Lopez presents the graduation rate for June 2017 and its record of high performance among all public high...
May 5, 2017 El Diario awards Dr. Elaine Ruiz López 20 "Outstanding Women" that leave a mark in New York.
ILCHS Earns a Bronze Medal for Best High School.
Dr. Elaine Ruiz-López congratulates the Staff, Faculty, Board of Trustees...