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Photo of International Leadership Charter High School
3 Solutions for Jumping Back into the College/School Rhythm After Vacation

Jumping Back in Again

It can be very difficult sometimes to jump back into the college/school rhythm after a long and restful vacation. Some students find themselves playing “catch-up” to their academic potential and tend to struggle the first week or so of getting back to school. Getting re-used to doing work, homework, studying, and taking test/exams again can be annoying and hard to get a hold of. Here are some solutions to make your transition a little easier.

  1. One Week Remedy

    Take the week before school to prepare yourself for the incoming school week. If you have the required books and text books for your incoming courses, get ahead on some reading, review any relevant notes from last semester if you are taking incoming courses in the same department, with the same professor or if the courses are consecutive; part of your overall major.

  2. Keep yourself busy and your brain active

    Nothing is worse than having a dormant brain the first couple of weeks of starting school again. Whether it’s taking the time to write, read, or participating in an internship (major related) once a week, can help make your transition easier. The whole point is to keep your body and mind active. Playing app games designed to exercise brain power, creating puzzles, and doing crossword puzzles and other related activities can be a fun way to keep your mind awake.

  3. Review the Syllabus

    Some Professors make the syllabus accessible to students before classes begin, so review your class syllabus if you have it. You will know what to expect and you will not start the new semester blindly. You can get ahead on purchasing the necessary material for you classes and get ahead on your reading and understanding of the material.