Being in college is a wonderful experience. Being a part of a college community, clubs, and organizations can make or break your college experience. There are so many clubs and activities to choose from and it can be hard to choose just one or two clubs to join. If you choose too many you’re stretching your time thin. Here are some solutions to better manage your time.
- Make a hard-copy schedule
Everyone now a days have their schedule on their phone or on their computer, but sketching out your schedule on a graph or paper or on your PC (being that you print it out in the end) can help you map out what time you do or don’t have. You can hang this schedule on your wall where you can see it, you can carry it with you, in the unfortunate case that your phone or other electronic is lost, damage, or stolen, you will have a copy of your schedule to look back to.
- Prioritize
Map out what activities are important to you i.e., school and work, then classify which club or extracurricular activities are both important to you and demanding. Drop the extracurricular and clubs that are not beneficial to you in any way e.g., don’t contribute to your learning or self-growth. Also drop the activities that are more stressful than enjoyable. If you are not enjoying being a part of that extracurricular, club and organization then leave.
- Don’t be afraid to make sacrifices
If a club or organization(s) is time conflicting, speak to the clubs president about possibly rescheduling the time or exempting you. This extends to professors and work. You may be excused to leave class or work earlier or arrive later. You can also change you class schedules over if the extracurricular(s) or club(s) are in important to you. The biggest extreme in this situation would be changing your work shift, leaving your jobs, and dropping the clubs/extracurricular. It all depends on what you can handle and what you think is best.