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Final Stretch of the Semester - Tips to Stay Motivated: Awaiting the End of Spring 2014
Hang in there, the semester is almost over. If you are like me, then you would agree, "School should have ended May 1st #imsooverschoolrightnow." Unfortunately, we still have final essays, research papers, exams, and final exams to ruin our lives (yay!). So what do you do to keep yourself motivated, on top of your game, and off the couch?
  1. Scheduling is key: On this final stretch, deadlines are important. Take sufficient time to work on your final papers and study for your final exams. The more work you put in the better grade you should get out of it.
  2. Don’t multi-task assignments: Take it one assignment at a time. Set goals to finish things on time; for example setting a goal to finish your research paper on Sunday since it is due on Tuesday or setting a goal to spend all day Saturday on your research paper.
  3. Your Environment matters: Do your work in a place where you can focus, not get distracted, and make the most out of your time. Possible places can be a library, campus library or a quiet café. Sometimes, waiting to get home to do work can lead to it never getting done.
  4. Work with someone else or in a small group: If you are surrounded by others who are diligently working, then you will follow suit. Plus, you can help each other and motivate each other.
  5. Caffeine it up!: When all else fails a double shot latte or a mocha frap from Starbucks is the way to go.