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Dr. Elaine Ruiz López - CEO News & Notes September 2014
This year, Newsweek sought to recognize schools that beat the odds and who performed better than statistically expected for the students’ level of poverty. For this list, schools were ranked on how well they prepare their students for college, taking students’ socio-economic background into account.
Honor Societies
Honor societies can give any resume a boost. These societies, (mainly academic) are invite or recommendation only; meaning that teachers may refer students to the society or potential members are invited to join by the society.
Final Stretch of the Semester - Tips to Stay Motivated: Awaiting the End of Spring 2014
Hang in there, the semester is almost over. If you are like me, then you would agree, "School should have ended May 1st #imsooverschoolrightnow."
Summer Internship blog: What are your plans this summer? Tips for Writing a Cover Letter and Resume
Resumes are your true personal profiles (sorry Facebook), they reflect what you have done, and can give potential employers an idea of what type of person you are and where you are heading in your career, education etc.
5 Best Recommendation letters: Knowing who to ask
Recommendations are essential for applying to jobs, internships, colleges, higher positions, etc. Knowing who to ask and when are important features to getting recommendations that you may need done on time and written by the best people.
7 Helpful Tips for The Middle of the Semester: Going After The “A”
Spring break is approaching fast and so are midterms. The year is almost over and soon after, we will be graced with the presence of finals (yay!). So right now, it’s all about the focus, passing all test, exams, essays, and project that we are assigned and participating.
College Students: 8 Helpful Websites to Look Out For
Useful for writing papers; this cite shows you how to cite your work, and how to write your papers in APA or MLA format as well as demonstrating any other rules that you should follow when you are writing a paper.
7 tips: Ways to Find a Good Internship for You & What to Prepare
Internships are a must. Internships can help you decide whether or not you are going in the right direction with a major or career goal. Internships are the best way to gain experience, branch out, network, meet new people, and learn more about any potential career goals. Below are some tips in finding some internship:
Proper work attire: 5 tips for Dressing Properly & Respectfully at Work
You always want to make sure that you are dressed properly and respectfully at work. Here are some easy tips you can follow to make sure that you are always dressed at your best.
4 Useful Tips for College Students: Are Your books and text books still in transit?
What can you do while you wait for your school books and text books to arrive? Most professors are lenient and give their students a week or two to get the necessary materials/books for the course/ But do you do when a week or two or more have passed and the books you need to start the course have not arrived?
